In Memorium...
Sorry, no real laughs today (okay, nothing unusual about that...)
Yesterday, I discovered our beloved cat Angel had died. As I dug his grave in the backyard, I was reminded of the book, The Tenth Good Thing About Barney by Judith Viorst, and the result is this:
1. He was a "pound cat" - Never forgetting that he came to us via the Humane Society, he showed us his gratitude daily.
2. He was well groomed. - He hated baths. Hated water, even. So much, in fact, that he not only kept himself clean, but he also often forced himself upon his adoptive brother and sister, making sure they were clean behind the ear.
3. He was very passive. - He didn't mind if you had to pick him up and move him. You could cuddle him anyway you want. (Yes, even upside down, I discovered)
4. He was the first to remind you that its "time to feed the cats" - even if his bowl was still relatively full. Interestingly, tho, he didn't care for treats of table scraps.
5. He encouraged proper digestion. - Often kneading our stomachs at bedtime until we shooed him off, or he was done (30 mins later). Whichever came first.
6. He's the only one who'd lie hang out with the babies - All the cats resented the twins, but he's the only one who'd put up with their "petting" (smacks on the head, pulling of fur), and only gave a clawless swat back if the situation called for it.
7. Just vacuumed? Great! - He was always to the first to tour the house within minutes of the vacuum ending and redecorating with his sheddings.
8. He was much to mature to play with toys! - unless, of course, that toy was a laser pointer, or the occasional length of string.
9. He loved to help wrapping presents - always ensuring that his claws put enough holes in the wrapping so that your book/video/sweater could breathe.
10. He liked to hug and kiss. - He'd wrap his paws on either side of your neck as you held him, and if you pursed your lips (in a kiss), he would lick them. All with a happy purr!
We miss you Angel,very much, and will always love you. Forever.